The Fruitful of Religion
May 19th, 2019
“If this world is temporary and our time is limited, what’s the best way to spend it?”
It started with way too many unanswered questions, as it always does. Why were we born? What are we supposed to do with our lives? What do we want to be when we grow up? How do we prepare our lives for the afterlife? You name it.
We were born without wanting to be born. We followed the society and the norm to go to school everyday. We lived with our parents until high school graduation. We looked for work and started to support our own lives. Then, adulthood hit us as the time goes by, coming with the biggest question knocking on our doors.
What are we supposed to do with our lives?
In Islam, it is stated that life itself is a gift or rizq’ and we must live life in the best way possible because it is a gift from God. ‘The best way’ translates as doing each of our own role in the best way that we can. By ‘our role’, it means that life itself has some certain expectancy upon us.
“Stop thinking what you expect out of life and start thinking what life expects out of you.”
The tricky part is that we would never know what our role is. No one will tell us because they don’t even know what their roles are. We can only do what we think we can do or what we might be supposed to do.
“Nothing is about you or me because we don’t actually own life. We live in a borrowed time. We can only try and wish for the best, in the hopes that it is indeed the best role we can do and it is the best way to spend our own lives.”
Life isn’t about you or me. That’s the best part. It’s not about us because we don’t own life. So, it’s not up to us to decide what our role is supposed to be. We can only plan and do things according to our own plan, but how we would end up is far out of our reach. That far out of our own planning and if we play our cards right, no matter what that role is, it will be the best role cause it is the way it meant to be.